


1. A nation's policy on education is governments way of realizing that part of the  national goal, which can be achived using education as a tool for national development . No policy on EDUCATION, however can be formulated without first identifying the overall PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS OF THE NATION.

2. The over all philosophy of Nigeria is to :

(a) live in unity and harmony as one indivisible, indussoluble, democratic and sovereingn nation founded in the principle of freedom , eguity , and justice.

(b) promote inter-Africa soludarity and world peace through understanding.

3. The five NATIONAL GOALS of Nigeria,  which have been endorsed as the necessary foundation for national policy on EDUCATION , are the building of :-

(a) a free and democratic society;

(b) a just and egalitarian society;

(C) a united ,  strong and self-reliant nation;

(d) a great and dynamic ecinomy;

(e) a land full of bright opportunities for all citizens.

          In Nigeria's PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION, we believe that education is an instrument for national development ;to this end, the formation of ideas, their integration for national development and the integration of person and ideas are all aspect of education, Education foster the worth and development of the individual sake and general development of the society, every nigerian child shall have a right to equal educational opportunities irrespective of any real or imagined disabilities each according.

It is widely believed that the primary goals of education are to enable individuals to read, write and count. However, the meaning and purpose of education is much more complex and nuanced than that. In Nigeria, the philosophy and goals of education are shaped by the country's history, culture and values.

One of the main goals of education in Nigeria is to promote national unity and cohesion. This is especially important in a country that is ethnically and religiously diverse. Education is seen as a way to instill pride in Nigerian culture and to instill the values of tolerance and respect for others.

Another goal of education in Nigeria is to prepare individuals for the workforce. The country has a large youth population and a rapidly growing economy. As such, thkere is a need for a well-educated workforce that can meet the demands of the country's industries.

Finally, education in Nigeria is also seen as a way to promote social and economic development. By providing individuals with the skills and knowledge they need.

why education is important in Nigeria ; 

Education is important in Nigeria because it helps to improve the quality of life of citizens and provides opportunities for economic and social development. It also helps to reduce poverty and inequality, and promotes social cohesion.

The Nigerian educational system is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the 21st century. The philosophy of education in Nigeria is based on the belief that all students have the right to a quality education that will prepare them for productive citizenship and successful futures.

The goals of education in Nigeria are to produce graduates who are:

- knowledgeable and possess the skillset required for success in the 21st century
- able to think critically and solve problems
- effective communicators
- responsible and productive citizens
- lifelong learners

The Nigerian educational system is committed to providing all students with the resources and support they need to reach their full potential. By working together, we can ensure that every Nigerian student has the opportunity to receive a quality education and build a bright future.

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  1. We need philosophical thinking, and ideas to rebrand our educational system, and ways of behaviours

  2. We love it
