
which of the following is true regarding research misconduct?


Which of the following is true regarding research misconduct?

research misconduct
which of the following is true regarding research misconduct


Which of the following is true regarding research misconduct?


a.      Every agency that is involve in funding will always perform their personal misconduct research before the other institution is then involved

b.      Research misconduct cases are taken care of by the central federal agency

c.       Federal funding agencies typically depend on the institution to perform the initial response to an allegation of research misconduct

d.      The government of the united state  is required to show publicly the personality of anybody who is involve in misconduct


 The answer here is (c)

Federal funding agencies typically depend on the institution to perform the initial response to an allegation of research misconduct

The federal funding agencies have the capacity to enforce the law and take any disciplinary action on any one found guilty for violating the rules and regulation. For example the financial industry regulatory authority (FINRA) IN 2018 took 921 disciplinary actions on some firms and individuals totaling about 61 million and also ordered restitution of about 25.5 million to other investors and business people.

What is research misconduct?

Research misconduct is defined as "fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results" (American Psychological Association, 2010, p.271).

The first step in addressing research misconduct is to identify it. This can be difficult, as there is often a fine line between what is considered misconduct and what is simply poor research. However, there are some clear signs that research misconduct has occurred, such as:

- Fabrication: making up data or results
- Falsification: manipulating data or results
- Plagiarism: copying someone else's work without giving credit

If you suspect that research misconduct has occurred, the next step is to report it. This can be done to your supervisor, the head of your department, or to an external body such as the Office of Research Integrity. It is important to report misconduct as soon as you become aware of it, as this will help to prevent it from happening

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