
How to start a dog breeding business in Nigeria

 Starting a small dog breeding business today in Nigeria is usually seems difficult but actually is not, you only need the basic skills to strive and grow your business and enterprises. Small and medium scales business are the drivers of economic growth and development in any society's and nation. Here you are going to be shown some simple but profitable ways to make it in business with a hundred thousand naira in Nigeria. 

 To start a small business you need to have the knowledge of the business you are trying to venture into analysing the risks involve thus this are some the easy business you can start with low a hundred thousand naira: you may want to consider starting a dog breeding business in Nigeria and you will be glad you did because it is easy to manage and maintain with low risk involved if you actually know what you are doing.

Dog breeding business in Nigeria:

Start a dog breeding business in Nigeria

Starting a Dog breeding business in Nigeria is a lucrative way to start, now some one my say dog breeding? Yes most often people tend to be discourage to venture into that kind of investment because the feel the risk attach to the business is high that is chances that your dog may not survive at the end if the day but I want to tell you that is just an assumption that is not proven you can start a dog breeding  business and make to the top.
Here are what you need to do,

Simple steps to start dog breeding business in Nigeria;

First you need to prepare a cage for the comfort of the dog in your house (your compound), the cage should not be too big if is a small dog of about four on months at this point the dog will your attention more than ever because it is at it critical period if surviving.

Next you prepare the feeding for dog ready on ground for effectiveness when dig is in need of food, this feeding include soya beans , corn , fish bone and little of vitamins this feed will be locally process so that it will take the dog a year to finish by then you will have started reaping the fruit of your labour.

Thirdly you purchase the dog it can be a breed you like which may even care for the dog more as a pet in the house preferably the dog should be a female dog so that she can reproduce for you and still keep you in business, not that the male dog dog is not good in starting the dog business ooh it can enven fectch more money if you know what you doing in your small business that you started with hundred thousand naira. You can through cross breeding for potential customers that want to cross there female dogs whuch you will paid and most atimes agreement can be made were by you are given a dog when the female dog gives birth so you see you can still make it in that direction of business thinking

Next you take the dog for vaccination and medical checkup to make sure that the pet is ok and fine to withstand any hard weather, that may arise especially if you in the part of Nigeria that is to hot or  to cold because most breeds like to live in a normal temperatures environment the blossom more on such places for example of we're you can get good and strong breed of dogs is in jos plateau state and other parts of the country also. So the medical attention should topmost and considered.
Dog breeding business

 Bugdet for dog breeding business in Nigeria;

Cage will cost= #10000 naira
Feeding will cost= #15000
Vaccination cost= #5000
The dog depending the breed = # 60000
Miseliniuse spending = #10000
Totally ........................................= # 100000
Now you see starting starting a starting a dog is not as bad as it was proscribe to be you determination will be your drive in the businesse you started.

For more information on how to manage the risk involved in any business you are venturing into visit;

For most breeds of dogs you will have to dedicate your time in training them so that they will survive you will be surprised to know that dogs also have emotions and feelings so they also need your care as a pet. Before you know it you will start cashing out from your dogs when they give birth to beautiful puppies.

Types of dog breeds you can find in Nigeria:

There are a number of breeds you can find in Nigeria today that you acn start with this breeds can earn reasonable some of money here are some of the breeds that can easily be found.
  • The rott Weller dog breeding
  • The cocasian dog breeding
  • Canine dog breeds
  • The bull dog breeding
  • The German Shepard breeds
  • The bumastive dog breeds
  • Wolf breeds etc.
This several breeds can be use to start the business with just a capital of not more that hundred thousand naira in Nigeria.

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