Why should you link your clients’ Google ads account to search console?


clients Google ads account
why should you link your clients Google ads account to search console?

When you have a client that is determined to increase his presence on the search engine this is because the clients knows the important of linking his or her Google account to search console, when doing this, the use of an effective way is recommended and the usage of an efficient tool is s  to achieve the desired goal. Most clients overlook the process of linking their ads account to search console which will be detrimental to their business because of lack of accurate data on how the business is performing on the search engine. The most primary reason to link the client ad account to search console is to have more insight and access to data which will allow the client make better decision that will affect the business website positively and grow the business

Why linking your client Google ads account to search console is important

Linking your clients’ ads account to search console is important because it give the business a sense of direction providing the necessary information for the client and increasing the potential customers that will visit the business website.

The benefit of linking your client’s Google ads account to search console

1.      Comparing the paid and organic keywords

2.      Availability of data from more quires and keywords

3.      Your compare with other bidders

4.      You can test out the benefits of paid and organic reports once link your ads account

5.      Linking Google ad account provide awesome information to the client

Comparing the paid and organic keyword:

It will give the client the opportunity to compare the performance of both the paid and organic keyword and how to improve for better optimization in the future. This analytics are presented according the keyword search volume, views, impression, and click that was recorded at a certain period of time.


Availability of data from more queries and keyword:

The client will have access to availability of data from more queries and keywords that he may rank for in the course of the building the business website, this data are updated frequently to show result of recent activities which the site has perform and the number of engagement recorded for effective utilization of keyword and search intentions.


Your compare with other bidders;

Another benefit of linking your client Google ad account is that it helps you compare your overall performance with other bidders in the business market and how to apply strategies that can improve your site and help you outrank your competitors who are in the same business as you.


How to link your Google ad account to search console


First step: enter the Google ad account:

The first step to take is to start by signing in to your Google ads account which you want it to be linked the Google search console webmaster.


Second step: locate the linked account in the menu:

At the top navigation menu bar you can now locate “tool” on the dash board of your ads account after you done that you click on link account under the setting bar this will proceed to the next step.


Third step: locate search console:

Scroll down the list of the linkable option presented you will locate search console you then click the details.



Fourth step: link up account:

An option will be given to link and further description will be given of search console is all about then you can click link to continue with the process of linking.


Fifth step: type in your business website

At this point you will be requested to enter your correct website name that was connected with your Google ads account into the search console site map the you click continue


Problems that arise when linking your client ads account to search console

If your site refuses to link because they want to verify the ownership you will then need right to claim it at search console at this point the process of Google search console will proceed and give you directions on how to verify the website owner.


Tips to use both paid and organic reports


Example why you should link your clients Google ad account to search console


a.      To see how ads are performing when they are triggered by major search

b.      To see how often the ads are ranking in search engine than those of other business advertisers

c.       To see if people are able to reach your client websites through the ads or through organic searches

d.      To see which of the campaigns have the large clicks conversion and cost per click or views

The answer here is (c)

To see if people are able to reach your clients websites through the ads or through organic searches, because you can use the Google search console reports to see how ads are presented to your  customers and the full explanation of how the keyword that are bring you clicks views and impressions . Also with the organic and paid reporting you will be able to view the performance of your client website on the search engine and which pages have the potential of converting well to increase profit in the business.


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