



Local chicken business
Local chicken business

Start with 20 chicken in this  October 2024 and by the end of twelve months you'll have over 300 local chicken!!!

For those seeking information on local hens, here is a personal analysis, from experience.

If you started with 20 hens. At the end of the 12 months, you can easily have 300+ chickens as long as you put your effort into it!

This is how:

Buy 20 hens that are ready to lay and 3 mature cocks.
Always keep the ratio of males to females at 1 cock to 7-10 females for fertilization purposes. That way you're sure your eggs are fertilized.

Month 1, they lay.
Month two they hatch.
Month 3 they rear their chicks.

Once the chicks are one month old, they don't need their mothers for warmth. So withdraw the mother when the chicks are one month old (at the end of calendar month 3) and rear the chicks yourself till they are 2.5 months old before you let them on their own (free range)!

This is meant to force the hen to start laying again. We are doing business and not letting nature take its course!

Month 4, the hens take what we call a "Laying break" to adopt to not having their chicks!

Month 5, the hens start to lay again.
Month 6, they hatch again.
Month 7, they rear the chicks (process repeats itself)!

Withdraw the mother at the end of month 7.
Month 8, they are on the laying break.
Month 9 they lay again.
Month 10 they hatch.
Month 11, they rear.

Withdraw mother at end of month 11.

Month 12, they take the break, waiting for month 1 of the next year to start over again.

A few things to note:
1. You can only practically do this up to 5 times for one hen before it is retired.

2. For every cycle, if you stay strict to the process, you get a week accrued for every hatching cycle because hens hatch after 21 days and in the post, I assumed a month for that. So you might squeeze a one month for the hens.

3. Put 8 eggs for every hen to hatch. In most cases, they'll hatch the entire 8 eggs, and for the poor hatchers, they'll hatch 7.

Don't be greedy it has a good chance of hatching all 8 of them as opposed to doing 10+ and end up "spoiling" eggs!

4. If you take care of the chicks in a closed environment away from stray cats and other predators, you should have 5 mature hens for every hatch-cycle, per hen.

5. If you manage to get 5 hens for the 8 eggs hatched and you had 20 hens, you'll have 100 new hens for the first cycle.

There are three cycles for every hen per year. That's a good 300 new birds. Plus your local 20 hens, you have 320. Let's just say 300 for the sake of it.

6. By the way, by the time the hen is hatching for the third time in the year, the first batch of chicks will be ready to start hatching too.

7. Assuming 50/50 for cocks and " layers"!
So you have 150 cocks, and 150 layers!

8. If you sell 100 mature birds at the market,
it is way better than trying to win a sports bet.

In all this, you gotta put your mind, effort, money and most importantly, time to it.

Don't look at the work right now, look at the end product.
A local hen lays 15-18 eggs before wanting to hatch again, if well taken care of that is.

Let's say 15 eggs, give it 8 eggs to hatch and sell the other 7 eggs x 20 hens x 300/= per egg, that's some 42,000/= ugx to buy Yaka tokens.
Always make sure you give the hen the "newest" eggs for hatching.
Eggs 15 days old have a 20% chance to hatch, 12 day old eggs have a 30% hatch rate.

Eggs 10 days old have a 50% hatch chance.
If it is 7 days, it shoots to 80%. Less than 7 days have a 90+% chance to hatch unless conditions like temperature and humidity fluctuate.

After hens hatch 5 times, sell them and rear the newer ones. For those with bigger space, do paddocks for easier identification of ages for sale.
Always maintain your "floor stock" at 300 hens and 50 cocks for easier management and space.
With this, you'll find out that you're collecting 200 eggs every day X 30 days = 6000 eggs less 2500 for hatching, you sell 3500 eggs every 4 months.
That's 1,050,000/= ugx in 4 months.
If you sell 500 hens, 250 cocks and 250 layers, at an average worst price of local 20,000/= ugx , that is 10,000,000/= per year.

Plus returns from eggs 55 X 3 cycles totals 14,525,000/= ugx a year. Local hens only take about 20-25% of budget. Pocket the rest 10,885,000/= ugx Average 875,000/= a month and you don't wake up at 5 to go to work to come back home at 10 PM hence more time for family.
Well, this is theory. The practicals have much more fun and some hardships. But it's fun doing locals. And the money is tax free. Unless you feel charitable enough to give to the government. Make it a side hustle and soon it will turn full time.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: FEED them, WATER them, VACCINATE them, and give them MEDICATION at first sight of symptoms of illness. I can't stress that enough. Have fun farming people!!!  We do sell one day Local chicken each at 4,000/-, poultry farming guide book in soft copy guide book at 5,000/-, poultry feeders available, poultry concentrates and Maize brands interested in the above Mentioned.

Is local chicken farm business profitable?

Yes local chicken farm business can be profitable, but its success depends on several factors. Here's a breakdown of considerations that impact profitability:

Key Factors for Profitability:

Market Demand: There must be consistent demand for chicken products (meat or eggs) in your area. Local markets, restaurants, or individual consumers could be potential buyers.

Start-up Costs: Initial investment includes land, infrastructure (coops, feeders, drinkers), chicks, feed, vaccinations, and equipment. Starting costs vary depending on the size of the farm.

Scale of Operation: Larger-scale operations tend to benefit from economies of scale. Small farms can also be profitable but might rely more on premium pricing (e.g., organic, free-range).

Feed Costs: Feed is one of the largest ongoing expenses. The price of feed fluctuates, and local feed sources can impact profitability. Efficient feed management can help control costs.

Breeds and Products:

Layers: Chickens for egg production can provide a steady stream of income, but it takes time before the hens start laying consistently.

Broilers: Chickens raised for meat tend to have faster turnover but might face seasonal demand fluctuations.

Specialty Chickens: Organic or free-range chicken products may fetch higher prices but come with additional costs.

Labor: If the farm is small, you might manage it on your own or with family. For larger operations, you'll need to factor in labor costs for farmhands.

Regulations and Biosecurity: You may need to meet local health and safety regulations. Disease outbreaks can significantly affect profitability, so biosecurity measures are important.

Local Competition: Competition from other farms, supermarkets, or large poultry producers could influence pricing and your ability to capture market share.


Disease outbreaks can devastate a flock and lead to losses.

Feed price volatility can squeeze margins.

Proper marketing is essential to stand out, especially if you're targeting a niche market.

Potential Profits:

If managed well, a chicken farm can become profitable within a year or two. Farmers often diversify by selling eggs, meat, manure, and even offering agritourism or educational farm tours. In the long run, farms that control costs and meet local market demands can see steady profits.

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