


understanding God

God is the God of individualism. There are certain things that are common with all of us but God is God  of individualism. There are certain things that make you unique specie. There is a specific reason why God  made you. You are not created to roam about in life, you are design for a purpose. You are special to be precise l, there is no one like you.

When God put the process of creation into motion,  he put variety into it. Look at your thumb, there are over 6 billion people living upon the face of the earth, not one of them has a thumb exactly like your own. You are a creature of destiny, you a creation of value.

The out standing thing about treasure is the value attached to them. This is what makes them special. Gold is so special , so valuable likewise diamond, onyx, precious stones, silver, bronze or brass. And God says, you are special and valued above others.  

The  creation shows how great and how generous our God is. And he cannot create you for run. If you want to understand God's mentality , begin from nature , because nature declares his abundant generous thoughts. O thought that  there were a few who had real ability and that rest of us belong to the mob.

I am writing this little article for the ambitious man or woman  not for the man who is too lazy develop what is in him, but for the man who is unsatisfied with anything but the best.

I don't care who you are. I don't care what 

Your limitation are. I don't care what your limitation.

I don't care what happened to you in the

 past  there i is nothing that can hold any man down who had in him the yeast to rise. You can build bigger. Most of the people who are at the bottom because they are complacent. In fact, God is not happy with them because they are a disgrace to God. Between you and success, there may be many a swamp through which road must be made, there may also be the reality of no fund, but I tell you , dear friend, you can build bigger.

Are you called of God and now about to give up? Remember that God will not give up on you whatever he called you to do keep doing it, the called you to do keep doing it, the call is still there. However,  just because we are called to the ministry does not mean we are called to do the same thing. Often times , we miss it when we try to be jack of all trade and matter of none. Don't try to do everything and specialize on nothing. You know it is quite difficult for you to enrol in five different courses in the university and pass well in all. Find you place i n the ministry and there abide. They who run in different direction achieve Berry little in life. God want you to discover and develop that precious gift in your life and you will be a person in demand by others.

Your relationship with God

God is the giver and taker of live he had the power to us great if only we believe in him with all our hearts and soul. We should always amend our ways with God despite that we have falling short of his glory he is open to us and is ready to forgive our sins commited knowing well that he send his only son to die for our sins, let's thank him for the food we eat, the good health and many other things that he has done for us and let us be grateful at all times. 

Why we must worship God 

God deserve our worship because he is the creator of heavens and the earth the beginning and the end no one is like him in the whole wide world he make the blind to see and heal the sick he protects his people and provide the room for his follows to rest.  God is the father of all the king of kings and the Lord of lords when he says yes no one can say know. With the world going crazy over money we must be careful and vigilant in all our doing so that we may not be caught un prepared because no one knows the hour or time he or she will die and live this world to the greater beyond. 

Who are the children of God

The children of God are those that believe that he is their saviour and are beloved in his name ,they confess with their mouth that he died for their sin and they also recognise the power of the Holy Spirit that he is able to guide and protect them from the evil one and his disciples.  God has given us the power to tremple upon snake and scorpions and nothing will happen to his children this is a promise that was made to our fore fathers God will always love us despite the wrong things we have done and we will always be his children because we understand God ways.

The love of God

The unconditionally love of God cannot be over emphasize he has given us all that we need. From the food ,shelter, good health ,family and good live God has promise in his words that he came to save sinners and give them a new live in Christ baptising them in the Holy Ghost so that they can be called by his name and any one that his called by him will never perish but have life in aboundant .


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