
Impact of ICT on learning


The internet which is part of the ICT appears expensive and hard to maintain especially in many developing nations whose people can hardly make three square meals in a day . however,  the total benefit of the internet ICT kearning skill seems to over shadow the disadvantage. For exampke the cost of building and equiping structures in schools, the number of man labour needed  and the cost of maintaining, training and retraining the man labour are much. On the other side the cost in finance, stereotypes and others are little in ICT mode of teaching and learning. The initial finance use to acquire location and gadgets may look high but in the cost of time , such finance will be found to be lower than the schools with walls.
          Many tetiary institution and colleges are working hard together. This is a recent trend that is emerging. For examble the six institution of education  karusruhes in germany have come up with an online form of program in a joint body. Even though digital learning is expensive ,  it offer information technology learning from the comfort of tour home without the problem of overpopulation in lecture halls and inadequate libraries. The internet training also afford being in the front row of the lectures hall whish is ones monitor screen. The role of the teacher changes from providing information to information coach and broker. This has led to the new information ensuring from the digitization of learning and teaching; that is education broker. It has also result to the development of new set of free lancer teletutors who will provide student who study on the internet with solid and efficient guidance via_email ,  news platform and also videos. 
 This form of education brokers chose courses for the students or clients from around the countries off camp services are offered world wide. education website is an example of a wrbsitr that provide access to over 50,000 distant learning education in one hundred thirty counties of the world.
     Another positive effect of the internet working to distance education is the fact that didactic creativity had made and is still making  their wave into the traditional tertiary education through online and internet education. Also is flexible and transparent in terms of everyone witnessing what is being done or not done with his investment.  This transperency courage and promote the quality or job done. 
Just as the internet has is positive effects on the distance learning. It also has it negative effects on distance education it also has the a negative effect on virtual learning on the students.  Among the several effect is the social isolation were by the student is on his own with out his fellow class mate to share ideas together. One of the greatest challenges faced by by international study is the accreditation of courses.  The internet education demand new creativity and skills. Students need media competence and the ability to manage educational knowledge independently.  The lecturers also should be ready and willing to structure content differently and really put their students at the center of their attention. 

implications to developing countries 

   From analysis above, the advantages of ICT in the distance education mode of learning are a necessity that is here to stay to the global world of education. As such, it should be accepted by every body because of the flexible nature of learning whether already in the program or you are intending to start.  It is how ever not without some difficulties and challenges especially in countries that are developing in Africa for example the penetration and usage of the internet and ICT are low among the distance educational practioner. Among many reasons development is that of financial implication involve. Poor funding and sponsoring on part of the hosted institution, government and other stake holders make the whole process a big task as computers,related facilities all this incorporation are relatively expensive for developing countries. For example in addition to the required computers and their accessories, air conditioner, power stabilization, apparent dust free enclosures are among the necessities in such centers. Similarly as a result of insufficient finance and poor economic standard of living, an average income person may not be able to afford the basic communication  devices or even the cost of services such as data etc. 


In conclusion,the use of the internet and web technologies and wireless mobile internet in instructional media and supporting software tools have enable distance education and learning to address the two primary barriers felling of remoteness and isolation and the time it takes to finish an instructional transaction.  Distance education has moved from the first generation creativities and innovation because of technological advancements. 
The world wide web (www) and the computers have given it a well esteemed and high status. Thus, distance education can no longer be viewed as an inferior mode of extending the University to some people.  It has rather become an indispensable learning platform in the currant  information age.  Possible challenges that are capable of affecting the new technologies in the developing nations are pointed out. 

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