
Price of rice expected to reduce as government lonches rice pyramid


Rice price

The government of the federal republic of Nigeria has lonche a rice pyramid in Abuja to solve the problem of important of rice product in the country in it's effort the central bank of Nigeria has provided loans known as the anchor borrowers program , this financial assistance is given to farmers across the country to enable them increase production so as to meet up with the demand of the product in the nation discouraging the important of such product and increase the domestic production of rice where by in the long run the prices of this rice will reduce  so that the common man will be able to afford the product. The increase recorded in the production of rice has make nigeria self sufficient and independent. In the paas years the country has depended on the tailand rice and was not able to feed it self until recently when the government took a bold step through the intervention of the central bank to support local farmers to succeed in the output production, with the concept of produce what we eat and eat what we prodce, with this latest developed the people are anxious and waiting for the price of a bag of rice to reduce in no distance time so as to reduce the hardship faced by individuals and families alike because a hungry man is an angry man.

Rice farmers association in Nigeria.

Rice price

The rice farmers of Nigeria has played a very important role in the achievement of thus success credit will go to rifan for the good job they have done because it was through them that the farmers got those support that made them succeed. The comman on the street has no sources of income and the disposal income is also nothing to write on about. Rice has been a common food for the majority of the population and need to be produce in a large quantity so as to meet up with the demand for the rice product.

Price of rice in the market

The prices of rice product in the market is so high and expensive for the common man to buy the government need to put in machanism that will check mate the prices of rice in the market through price control so that there will be a uniform price tag of rice to avoid exploitative activities by the middle men and sellers of rice in the market.

Government should provide processing plant and also empower individuals to own process plan to boost production and increase the quatity of rice, provide Miller's for farmers at affordable prices.
Aslo a good transportation network for easy movement of farm produces from the farms to the market this will encourage others to go into farming with the increase in employment this strategy will ensure employment for many youthful and young people, because of the benefits the see and the gains associated with farming rice and other product alike.

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