
Managing performance: performance Management

 It can be rewarding a experience to lead a team when each individual is contributing to the success of the whole team. However, difficult challenges facing a line manager are poor performance and bad relationship among team members. It is sometimes easy to think that the problems will go away ,but this rarely happens. This article deals we the issue of managing performance and staff performance it gives guidance on identifying and dealing with poor performance and looks at enhancing good performance.

Staff management

Performance Management:

Performance Management is the process of looking both to the future and to the past with a member of staff.

Process of managing performance;

Setting clear, agreed objectives;

Too often conflict occurs because the line manager assume s that the staff member know what to do. The staff member is surprised when they discover that the expectations from their line manager were different from their own. Job description and tasks must be clear and agreed by both the line manager and the member of staff.

Assessing and evaluating performance against those objectives;

A performance in their job is observed by their line manager. What they do should directly relate to what was asked of them the objectives.

Providing feedback on performance;

Feedback is about telling someone how well they are doing their job. When performance is poor , this is both the hardest and the most important part of performance Management. Sometimes a person can be unaware that there behavior is a concern to others, or that they are not achieving what is expected of them in terms of quantity and quality.

Planning, prioritising and agreeing the way forward;

Every six months or year, it is helpful to reassess the objectives for the next year. Some objectives still need to be achieved and can carried forward. There may be some new objectives based on the organization strategies. The staff member need to know what the priorities are in order to plan their work. The line manager should not tell them exactly what to do, but rather empower them to choose how they are going to achieve the objectives.

Cycle of performance Management:

Performance Management is a cycle that begins with objectives being set. The job description show the task and responsibilities. Performance Management is concerned with outcome s and how a job is being done. Objectives need to be set to measure these. The cycle then continues with informal reviews through out the year. As a result of these appraisals, the objectives are sometimes adjusted. A formal appraisal would normally occur once every six or twelve months and is followed by setting of objectives for the next year.

Also read: Organizational appraisals


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