The term 'appraisals' is used when the line manager talks with a staff member about their performance. It is helpful for organizations to develop a written process for appraisals,to provide forms for the line managers and staff members to complete,and ensure there is support for staff such as learned opportunities after their formal appraisals. Some appraisals are formal and held every six or twelve months. Appraisals can also be carried out on a more informal basis throughout the year. There are many benefits o appraisals. For example, an appraisal;
Benefits of appraisals;
- Helps to create good working relationship. The opportunity to talk about work in a formal way can help the staff and line manager to understand each other better and build up trust for each other.
- Enable grievence to be heard. Although line managers should be asking staff to regular meetings if they have any concerns, appraisals also provide an opportunity for staff to raise issues
- Shows how staff are performing. The staff member can assume that they are performing well or poorly when actually there performance is the opposite.
- Affirms staff if they have performed good. It is important to praise staff for a good job done. This motivate them and shows them that they are contributing to the organization growth.
- Identifies personnel development needs. A review of performance may identify areas where learning OPPORTUNITIES need to be offered.
- Shows staff that the organization is concerned for their development. Being valued is important to most people. A thorough APPRAISAL process provides an opportunity for the line manager to spend time with an individual to listen to them . It shows that the organization is concerned not only for performance,but also the welfare and development of the individuals.
- Provide structure. The staff member is aware through an APPRAISAL form that the discussion will focus on how they are performing in their work. As everyone in the organization goes through the formal process with their line manager,it will provide a sense of belonging.
3 types of appraisals:
The are three major types of APPRAISALS which includes;
- Instant appraisals (on the spot occur at any time if the day)
- Regular appraisals (weekly, fortnightly or monthly meetings)
- Formal appraisals (every six or twelve months). This type of appraisal produces an official record by using form to describe progress on objectives and comments from the line manager on performance.
1. Instant appraisals:
Work is dynamic and things change every moment. One example of instant appraisals is praise or recognition. This could be done publicly or privately and can be the smallest comment such as 'good work' or ' well done'
It is more difficult to give instant appraisals when work has not been delivered on time or behavior has been inappropriate. Sometimes it is appropriate to deal with this quickly but I some situations it is better to delay a response. Ensure that the issue is dealt with in private and give the individual some time to explain the issue from their perspective.
2. Regular appraisals:
Regular appraisals usaully invovei short meetings between a staff member and thietline manager. Sometimes these are called 'catch up'.
Regular catch up are essential. it is important to book regular meetings and ensure that they are not ignored when staff are busy. The length and frequency of catch ups will vary according to the situation,but they world usually take place each week or fortnight and last for about an hour.
Catch ups should have a clear structure. Ensure that staff is aware of the purpose of catch ups and after consultantations with the staff member,produce an agenda for each one.
Content of agenda could include;
- Review of work progress
- Review of progress towards meeting the individuals objectives
- Intended work in the next week
- Any issues to discuss relating to work or relationship with others
- Area for development.
The catch up should involve a two way conversation. Give space for the individuals to share their concerns an ask questions,as well as receiving the line manager feed back. As well as discussing their work ,ask how they are feeling and how they can be supported.
Catch ups provide an ideal opportunity to give an recieve negative and positive feedback. Feedback should be two way. In addition to the line manager giving feedback to the individuals,the individual should be encouraged to give feedback to the line manager on the line managers performance.
End the catch up with action points. As a result of the duscdiscus,both the individual and the line manager should hold the other accountable for their action in the next meeting they should review what progress has been made.
3. Formal appraisals:
There two different situations in which formal appraisals happen;
- Probationary review
- Annual or six months appraisals
Probationary review;
The probationary period last for the first few weeks of employment. At the end the probationary period, a meeting is held to review the performance of the new recruit and to decide whether or not they suitable for the role. If they are suitable, their employment should be confirmed. If they are not suitable, decide whether to end the contract or extend the probationary period to give time to address issues ir provide training.
Throughout the probationary period, regular catch-up should be held to ensure that issues are addressed early on. This will reduce the chances of surprises fir the new recruit at the end of the probationary period. Major support should be given during the probationary period such as training and the opportunity to Shadow other member staff.
Annual or six months appraisals;
This type of APPRAISALS is formal and is normally conducted every six months or at least every year.
A formal appraisal cour focus on the following;
- Progress on objectives for current year
- Reviewing how the staff member has performed their task and relationships with other staff
- Setting objectives for the coming year
- Identifying a development plan from the coming year. A development plan helps the staff member to plan how they will gain the skills, knowledge and experience necessary for them to do their jobs better and to enable them to develop their career.
In conclusion as seen above this are the main types of appraisals that are used by organizations to motivate and encourage their member staff to put in more effort in their jobs.